Friday, July 27, 2007

Good things to come.......

Don't you just love sneak peeks? 2 new outfits coming soon and great for back to school and the upcoming fall season! Back to the sewing room now!


Anonymous said...

Actually sneak Peaks drive me
C-R-A-Z-Y!!! I want to see it really very patient..LOL.
cant wait!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

LOL!!! I knew you didn't like them Traci! Just wanted to torture you some this weekend! *snicker*

Lisa~ said...

oh how cute!! I love doing dneak peeks too:)


erin said...

They look so cute! Can't wait to see the rest!

Vicki Arnold said...

Very nice! I can't wait to see the rest of the outfits. :-)

nic said...

No no, I *hate* sneak peaks! I'm w/Tracy: show me the WHOLE thing! Heehee. Goodness, those are yummy fabrics. :)

Anonymous said...

OH I can't wait to see these!! I LOVE everything you make :) You are sooo super creative that I gave you an award :) Come check out my blog to see what it's all about.

Kara said...

they are totally gorgeous, LOVE them all.

Michelle said...

oooooo. cannot wait to see them listed!
I always love your things :0)

Dee Light said...

Too cool!!! and sneek peeks are fun!!!

Unknown said...

I love the jeans!!!! OMG! they are just fantastic. Give me more please :)

Love said...

so, so cute! can't wait to see more! =)