Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"HOOAH" for Military Moms!!!

It's a big enough change bringing a new baby into the world but Military Moms whose husbands are gone overseas face an extra challenge. They have to do it alone and my hat goes off to them! I recently heard about the opportunity to participate in a Military Baby Shower and jumped on the chance! Cleverparents.com and lenasnotebook.com were teaming up to "shower" 17 Military Moms at Fort Bragg who had just recently had babies or were due very soon. Some are Military wives and some were members of the unit. I designed camo onesies with my signature "shaggy layered" look in the form of a star on the front and the phrase, "HOOAH" on the back and then shipped them off with lots of love and gratitude towards these families.

You can watch the VIDCAST here and even catch a glimpse of my onesies on the coverage NBC 14 did on the baby shower.
They are also getting set up to have more baby showers so if you are interested in particpating make sure to contact them for more details!


Anonymous said...

what a NEAT, NEAT idea!!! so cute and I agree, military wives have one tough job!

Fayetteville TV Repairs said...

Hi greeat reading your post