So I heading to NATURE for the week! *sigh* I can smell the fresh air and taste the smores already! I'll be helping out as a leader at a youth girls camp. No sleep, pranks, hiking, canoeing, chatting about boys - what could be better! LOL! I am excited to go but have million things to get done! And while I'm away I thought it would be fun to let all of you PLAY!
I'm doing a giveaway and moving out some inventory to make space for more projects. teeheehee. A couple of tops that I couldn't sell so hopefully I can give them away! If they are the right size for you for someone in your family then snatch at the chance to get one for free!
Heading to disneyland? I have a size 4 Minnie Halter top ready to see the Magical Kingdom with you! and I also have something for the women! A size XL dark blue Mosaic top designed with Amy Butler's Lotus fabric. Great for now and great for fall as well!
I have a chance to win one of these great tops just post a comment! I'd love to hear how you play with the "mouse" is away! I'll share one of my things first. Usually when my husband is gone, I for some reason, get in the re-decorating mode! LET'S go shopping!!! I like to find something new or fun, rearrange furniture, etc. Not sure why but the urge usually strikes me everytime. Another way I "play" is there isn't alot of cooking going on when my hubby is gone. I like to take the kids out for dinner or we'll hit grandmas too on occasion. YOUR TURN! how do you play?

When hubby is away I spend guiltfree time on the computer, let laundry slide. My husband is very low maintance so really I do about the same schedule even when he is here. He is BIG on having his "special tea" made so when he is gone I dont make any tea...just my coffee and Would love to win the shirt! I wear my other t you made OFTEN. When you have time I would love to have a custom t with some kind of bird on it. Love your bird designs. Have fun at camp!!!! I have done camp many times and believe me when you get back a nap will be worth BIG
I sew and chill out on the computer. He get's irritated when I don't hang out with him. Also, I go get fountain Diet Cokes. LOL! He is not a fan of Soda.
I spend time on the computer since he hates seeing me here. I work, I always get so much more done when he is not around. And I DON'T cook:) Pizza anyone?
And there seems to be so much less laundry, so I don't have to do so much laundry:)
oooooh I definately put off all housework until the VERY last minute and lay around on the couch watching HGTV and dreaming of what I would do if I had the time.....ROFL I would have the time if I got off my butt huh??
Oh my, well....I hang out on the computer, do lots of sewing, get about 3 times the work done (laundry, cleaning, organizing), and definitely do not cook! I also stay up late, with the TV on ALL NIGHT. And when I go to bed, I know I have a break from "the wifely duties". TMI??? LOL! Oh and the kids seem to get away with a little more with just mom home;)
I like to go SHOPPING! All day long without time constraints! It used to be one of my favorite "hobbies" before we had children...
Or to the spa. I love going every month for my facial...
When hubby is away, it is usually the same 'ol until the kids are in bed!! Then I get total ME time and I sew and scrapbook til my hearts content (about 3 or 4 am!!)
When dh is away, I get guilt-free computer time. He hates to see me on it, but knows that I need to get rid of all this stuff piling up that I intend to sell on eBay. Sometimes I even use the laptop in front of the TV (gasp!). I hope we win the minnie top.. thanks
Linda M.
well when the mouse is away cause it it so rare like once a year I looovvvee it, my hubby gets bored and I mean very bored so when he is home he wants my total attention, so when hes not here I lie in eat junk food in bed whilst watching true movies or hallmark( he hates them) theni craft for a while still watching junk tv, then I usually lounge about doing my nails etc cause hubby hates smell of polish.
Oh I love those days.
P.s. I am the XL top defo not the size 4 although I wish
I like to stay up late watching old movies and playing Sims on the computer. I sleep late and let the baby sleep with me and we eat cinnamon toast for breakfast. By then we both miss Dada so we anxiously await his return.
When my dh is away I would have to say I have guiltfree time on the computer.
I also love to cook & sew when I am alone. Since I can get so much done without so many interuptions.
I also will try and get out to a lunch, pedicure - something to pamper myself a little. My lotus come here!
oops- I meant BLue Lotus hehee
I love to take my daughter out for dinner then we go out to the mall and stay out late. She is only 4 so 9 is late. Sometimes we will go hang out with friends. I definatly go out when dh is gone. He is usually a homebody!
I'm a single mom, so grandma & grandpa our the mice to me and my kids....when they are away the kids get to eat in the living room, the dishes pile up in the sink till the very last possible second before the mice come home, and I get to take over the kitchen table with sewing machine, craft projects, etc. (thus the eating in the living room - LOL!) and watch either cheesy Lifetime movies or HGTV/TLC shows ALL day!.......that sounds like a good weekend plan, wonder if those mice have a trip planned???
Karen G.
When my hubby is away I take full advantage too craft wherever I please. Usually I drag my things in the living room and watch a chic flick and craft away! I also always get chinese takeout when he is away. When the princess is with me we go to shopping and out to eat and I let her pick what she wants to do! Which is always interesting what a 3.5 year old chooses! Then we come home and pop popcorn and watch the movies in bed. I think I need another day like those soon! I would love to win either, I am the XL and Alaina would be styling for our Disney trip next month if she won the size 4 top. Thanks so much for this fun contest, Megan!
When my hubby is away, I use that time to scrapbook. He hates all the clutter that appears when I am doing that so I try to get as much of it done as I can while he is gone. I also take the kids out to dinner at the very fancy Golden Arches where they can run around and wear themselves out:)
when my hubby isn't around, i suddenly find it necessary to make certain the house is spotless, the laundry is washed & put away (which is a HUGE deal for me, lol)and i also find it enjoyable to cook.
elizabeth l
My hubby works nights so, I guess I would have to say that my mice are my two eldest sons who are away each summer for the month to visit their father. When they are away, it is so peaceful with just me and the 2 girls, we get to watch whatever we want on t.v. I don't have to cook heavy meals, so we do eat take out alot. I don't have all the running around to do all over town.... And I get to read my books in peace and quiet! With the head mouse gone (DH) at night, I take advantage and clean out junk. He is such a pack rat, that I have to sneak things out of the house to keep it decluttered.
I have to say, I LOVE that Minnie top!
Jennifer C.
I second putting off all housework till the last minute. hehe. Also NO cooking! I'll take my ds to McDonalds which is his favorite and have a little junk food myself. I know, I know, bad mommie! :oP
I watch chick flicks or shows on TLC or Style all night long(after the kiddos have gone to bed of course).
Now, if daddy AND the kiddos were away....a treasure hunting I would go! I'd go to all the thrift stores and garage sales I could possibly stomach..until the money runs out! Oooooh, I'm drooling just thinking about it! :o)
No cooking, cleaning, laundry, sewing or computer.
It's total girl time.
Before I had kids, I did exactly what you like to do Megan.
Once, shortly after we were married, I bought a sofa that was nearly the price of a month's salary, and re-papered the living room~ all in a mouse-away-weekend, LOL!
Now, Maddie and I do pedicures, watch movies/read books in bed, bake cookies, bubbles, coloring, going to the park~ anything that she wants to do.
I also have my sisters over for a slumber party...they come in their pj's and we eat tons of popcorn.
"we eat tons of popcorn"
...WHILE watching "Pride and Prejudice", our collective favorite movie!
When my husband is gone, I veg out with the kids. We eat hot dogs and other really "healthy" (easy) foods and just relax...taking our time like there is no clock. My husband like things quick, quick, quick and so we never get a chance to just slow down until he goes somewhere. I also spend a lot of time digging out things and going through it. I hate to clutter the house when he is here so it is perfect to have a couple of days to get things out of the closets and see what is there and maybe get rid of a few things.
the craziest thing I ever did while "he" was gone was bring home a puppy! he was NOT happy. oh yeah, we ripped up the living room carpet too! AHHHH! we have fun!
The hubby is away right now and I pack up the kids and we go shop and eat out and have fun time at the pool.
Well, here it's kinda often (he is building his parents a house a couple hrs away) but when he's gone we...
*definately eat out
*then the kids get to eat in the family room (a treat)
*we have a movie/picnic night on family room floor
*kids go to bed on floor in my room
* I stay up sewing guilt free
*then I get to sleep in the cal. king diagnolly by myself. he-he
(althoughI'd prefer him in it with me)
and depending how long the mouse is gone shopping will be had as well.
Woo-Hoo girls camp. My fav!! Hope you had fun!!
I clean and sew...and generally decorate at least ONE thing. :o)
I have a scrapbook for each of my four children. When dh is gone (and kids, too), I'll pull them out and work on them. I only do a two-page spread/year (until they're 18), so it really *shouldn't* take that long. But it does. And I need quiet time for that.
i always stay up late...but when mouse is away i tend to take on projects too. re-decorate, organize, albums...and a lot of computer & reading time.
This is fun! OOHHH and so is girls camp - I was a girls camp leader for three years and LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! When you get home you take a nap girl -cuz i know you won't be sleeping! Ok when my cute hubby guy is gone and that isn't very often I SEW SEW SEW and I don't do any cooking except for a little mac and cheese for the kiddos. I call my sisters and chat for hours about nothing important but sisters are good for that. And sometimes and I'm trying to cut this one out - I do some shopping - the kind that you have to hide under the bed because you will be so grounded if he saw it all!
love the mommy shirt!!!!
Smiles, JEN Holyoak
love love love your designs....I love coming here...
gotta get me a hostess apron too~!
I've thought about this since Monday... it seems my hubby is always away, either working late, or out on some hunting/scouting/fishing/dirtbike riding/snowboarding trip. Which I of coarse plan to go with him on when our kids are older :) So I'd have to say that when he is REALLY away, I play by changeing something. Usually it's a hair cut, or I do some more exercising to lose a few pounds, look different when he comes home. I also sleep on the couch or on a mattress that I drag into the living room so that I can watch chick movies all night. Or we'll pack up and go stay with Grandma on the murphy bed that she keeps around for occasions like that. Fun blog Megan! love ya-hope it was a blast! anna
First thing I do when he leaves (like this weekend he took the girls to the beach and I'm home alone for 5 days!) is clean the house. Now that is not playing, but ya wanna know what is?? Living in clean house with nobody to clean up after except myself!
I also like to watch all the romantic comedies that I can stand, sew, garden, and play on the computer!
Hope your camping was great!
I play on the computer usually (after cleaning of course lol). Lately the kids and I have been spending LOTS of time in the pool :)
We stay out of the house! We schedule lots of activities to keep us super busy, and we dine out at every meal!
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